Your chance to access premium channels and exclusive content for free for 2 Years
No cable or multiple streaming passes required.
Your chance to access premium channels and exclusive content for free for 2 Years
No cable or multiple streaming passes required.
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All the sports you love are just one click away p>
Trendy Films and Series
Create CINEMA atmosphere with your family, alone at home.
Now imagine having 24 months FREE access to all this content in 1 subscription
This Android box and subscription are fantastic. The installation is simple, the 4K image quality is perfect and the content selection is unprecedented. It has completely improved my home entertainment. Highly recommended!
Very satisfied with the Android box and the access. The quality and diversity of the content is top class. Easy to set up and very reliable. A great upgrade to my entertainment experience. Definitely recommended!
If you are not 100% satisfied, please tell us within 30 days of the purchase date and receive a full refund.